Marks' Musings

Monday, December 06, 2010

Samsung Captivate

Typing this on my new phone using Blogaway!!!


Monday, November 30, 2009

Chrome OS and ASUS EEE PC 1000H with Wireless

Found a site that has support for wireless and the Ralink rt2860 and the Asus Eee PC 1000H

Requires 4GB card and is in Chinese but fixes a few issues.

If you want to change it to English, follow these instructions:

  1. Once running the OS on the pc type Ctrl-Alt-t to get to a command prompt
  2. type cd /usr/bin
  3. type sudo mount -o remount,rw /
  4. Enter password: guest
  5. type sudo vi chromeos-chrome
  6. Navigate down to the comment: # Fai: let's make it Chinese
  7. Comment out the next 9 lines by typing: i then # then Esc key
  8. type : then x
  9. type sudo reboot
You should now have a English interface!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

FWINK Compiling and Modification

I have downloaded Fwink 1.0.96 and compiled it with Visual Studio Express 2008 free edition and made a modification so that I can display the temperature on the webcam.

Link is here:

Source code is included so make any changes you like!!!

Update: Forgot to say that it reads a file: temperature.txt in the current directory for the temperature info.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Just found a TRS-80 emulator with source code and multi-platform and compiled it for Windows using Pelles C and SDL.

Try it out. You need the ROM in the same directory as the 2 files in the ZIP file.

Hit F7 once in the emulator for options.


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Check Samsung SGH-A767 Propel Lock Status

Check the lock status by typing code: *#7465625#

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Installing Java Games via USB data Cable for AT&T Samsung Propel

I have now installed Java games on the Samsung SGH-A767 Propel. Following these steps:

1. Get a USB data cable. I got one from Fry's. It is the Cellet A129. It doesn't list the Propel as a supported model but it works. It lists the M300 and Blackjack II, etc

2. Now you have to put the Propel in USB modem mode. Follow the steps here: . They are enter code: *#0523#
then press # until you see option 8 say Audio then press 9 Common followed by 6 USB Configuration followed by 2 Qualcomm USB. Leave the phone at this menu.

3. Download the Qualcomm USB driver from the link above and then connect your phone and manually install the driver files.

4. Download Bitpim and install.

5. When setting up Bitpim select the COM port as "Qualcomm Diagnostics Interface 6000" and select the phone type as SPH-A740 . As shown in the forum thread:

6. Open the Filesystem and under Media/Games create a new folder for each Java app and copy the JAD and JAR files to the new directory.

7. Do not delete any files as some of the forums say.

8. Disconnect the USB cable from the phone.

9. Now enter *#6984125*# on your phone. Select 4 then *#9072641*# . Choose menu 7 then select Update media database, Update Java DB and Create AX Dat File. This came from this forum:

10. Exit and the new Java apps should appear :)

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Samsung SGH-A767 Propel Video Size

Well, it seems it won't play videos with a higher resolution than 176x144 pixels. That is stupid since the screen is 220x176 pixel resolution!

Samsung SGH-A767 Propel Codes

OK, the engineering code can be accessed by typing *#0523# from the main screen.

The Admin screen can be accessed by typing *#6984125*# from the main screen. Once there, you can access the Internals menu by typing *#9072641*#

Now I need to figure out how to get Java apps over to the phone via Bluetooth or USB cable. I refuse to pay AT&T for over-the-air use. Someone should get a class action lawsuit going against them for disabling these features !!

New Phone - Samsung SGH-A767 Propel

Just got a new phone and trying to figure out things about it. First thing is that you can make MP3 ringtones but they must be less than 30 seconds in length AND less than 300KB in size or you won't see the option to set them as a ringtone. I just create the MP3 on my PC and bluetooth it over to the phone.