Marks' Musings

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chrome OS and ASUS EEE PC 1000H with Wireless

Found a site that has support for wireless and the Ralink rt2860 and the Asus Eee PC 1000H

Requires 4GB card and is in Chinese but fixes a few issues.

If you want to change it to English, follow these instructions:

  1. Once running the OS on the pc type Ctrl-Alt-t to get to a command prompt
  2. type cd /usr/bin
  3. type sudo mount -o remount,rw /
  4. Enter password: guest
  5. type sudo vi chromeos-chrome
  6. Navigate down to the comment: # Fai: let's make it Chinese
  7. Comment out the next 9 lines by typing: i then # then Esc key
  8. type : then x
  9. type sudo reboot
You should now have a English interface!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

FWINK Compiling and Modification

I have downloaded Fwink 1.0.96 and compiled it with Visual Studio Express 2008 free edition and made a modification so that I can display the temperature on the webcam.

Link is here:

Source code is included so make any changes you like!!!

Update: Forgot to say that it reads a file: temperature.txt in the current directory for the temperature info.